We are here to support you!
You are not alone when it comes to accommodating students with disabilities; neither are you expected to be an expert on disabilities. Call on Educational Access Services (EAS) to request help, to get answers to questions, to raise concerns, or to get clarification on Colorado Mesa University's and Western Colorado Community College's policies and procedures relating to students with disabilities. The design and implementation of disability-related accommodations is a collaborative process involving the student, EAS, and the faculty member.
Implications Regarding the Law:
There are four main implications regarding the laws governing disability-related services in higher education.
- Students with disabilities must meet the
same admission standards
as other students. - Once admitted, they have the
same rights to all programs and facilities
and are eligible to receive reasonable accommodations that relate to their disability. - They have a right to
confidentiality of all disability-related information
. - Students with disabilities are responsible to
meet the same academic standards as other students
. While students may receive some reasonable accommodations intended to mitigate the educational impact of their disabilities, these accommodations should not water down the curriculum, alter the standards for performance nor waive any course or class activity that provides students with essential knowledge or skills.
Faculty and Staff Resources
Have general questions about what reasonable accommodations are? Questions about how CMU handles testing accommodations? What more information about what a volunteer note taker is or what recorded lecture means? Here is a downloadable FAQ's page.
Updated Guides for AIM
Check out our Faculty AIM portal Overview video!
- Includes demonstrations for how faculty can use the portal to understand student accommodations and how to use the Alternative Testing and Flex Plan modules.
Alternative Testing Guide pdf w/ pictures
- How to complete/modify/copy Testing Agreements, Exam Details, Upload Exams
Digital Guide for Alternative Testing module
- Software that will walk through the steps for how to do all things alternative testing
Alternative Testing List Exam feature pdf w/ pictures
- How to add an exam length and exam date instructions in AIM
Flex Plan Guide pdf w/ pictures
- How to initiate the Flex Plan agreement, how to copy it across students/courses, how to review it for changes
Digital Guide for Flex Plan module
- Software that will walk through the steps of initiating and viewing details of Flex Plan agreements
Educational Access Services Syllabus Statement
Syllabus statements indicate a faculty member’s willingness to provide reasonable accommodations to a student with a disability. The statement should be an invitation to students who have disabilities to meet with the faculty member, in a confidential environment, to review course requirements and discuss the student’s needs for accommodations. In addition, it makes the students aware that disability-related accommodations are coordinated through Educational Access Services.
Please remember to included this statement on syllabi for online classes.
This is a suggested syllabus statement:
In coordination with Educational Access Services, reasonable accommodations will be provided for qualified students with disabilities. Students should contact Educational Access Services soon as possible, at 970.248.1856 or stop in Houston Hall Room 108. Please visit http://jevg.delicious-drop.com/educational-access for additional information.
Students enrolled in the CMU/CU Boulder Engineering Partnership Program are eligible to receive accommodations for both CMU and CU boulder courses through Educational Access Services. More information about the process for students to receive these accommodations can be found at the link below.
CMU/CU Boulder Program Information
Engineering Faculty needing syllabus statements for this program can use the wording provided below:
This is a suggested syllabus statement:
If you qualify for accommodations because of a disability or temporary medical condition, reasonable accommodations will be provided through Educational Access Services at Colorado Mesa University. Accommodations are based on documented disabilities in the academic environment. To request accommodations, contact Educational Access Services at 970.248.1856 or visit Houston Hall Room 108. More information can be found at:
Your information will be shared with Disability Services at CU Boulder. If you were not granted an accommodation for which you believe you qualify, please contact CU Boulder’s Disability Services at 303-492-8671 or [email protected].
Accommodation - Record Lectures
Download Fillable Recording Agreement
Instructors may not out right refuse a student with an accommodation to record lectures. However, the instructor can insist the student complete a recording agreement as seen below.
I __[Student Name]__ , understand and agree that recording class proceedings for the above listed
instructor and course for the above listed quarter is permitted and protected as an accommodation to me under Part 84.44 of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112, amended P.L. 93-516). These records are for personal study only and the sole purpose of the recording is to provide equal opportunity to learn with respect to course activities and requirements. Tape-recorded lectures may not be used in any way against the faculty member, other lecturers, or students whose classroom comments are taped as a part of the class activity. Information contained in the tape-recorded lecture is protected under federal copyright laws and may not be published or quoted without the express consent of the lecturer and without giving proper identity and credit to the lecturer. I further understand and agree to the following conditions:
- Recording is limited to classes, course-related meetings and student-teacher conferences.
- The instructor may direct that highly sensitive material that may be discussed in a given class session not be recorded, only if other students are simultaneously instructed not to take notes. Discussion that contains an instructional component may be recorded.
- I will not make copies of recorded material or post on any social media.
- I will not use the recorded material in any form for any purpose other than to accommodate my performance and learning in the course.
- I will not allow anyone not connected with this accommodation to listen to the recordings.
- I must destroy the recordings at the end of the semester when I have completed the course
Students are expected and encouraged to meet deadlines for assignments and attend all classes. Faculty have the right to establish late work and attendance policies. However, if a student has a disability that may occasionally impact their ability to complete assignments at the scheduled time or attend class, disability-related absences and extension dates may be considered reasonable accommodations.
Resources for Advertising for a Notetaker
Notetaker Wanted PowerPoint Slide Notetaker Wanted Printable Flyer
Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) strategies may reduce or eliminate the need for some individual accommodations in many cases; however, individualized accommodations will be necessary for some students with disabilities. Please contact EAS or Distance Education for assistance.